While I start writing this blog, the total cases of coronavirus have already surged to 46433 with 12727 recoveries and 1568 deaths.
The pandemic has for obvious reasons created a panic in the entire world. During this downtime its normal to have quite absurd questions in mind. But one of the sensible questions has been “Whether the Insurance company cover the coronavirus?”
Good news is the answer to this is Yes!.
This has been confirmed by the insurance companies upon calling them up and inquiring.
The relief for the policy holders that almost every life insurance and health insurance policy will cover the coronovirus related claims.
To add to this, the IRDA has issued the guidelines against coronavirus related issues and how the insurance companies should deal with the situation.

Some have also received a text message from respective insurance companies which clearly states that they need not worry about the situation and they have it covered.
Only the active insurance policies will be covered under coronavirus related claims. Also, some articles did mention that some health insurance policies may not cover the diseases which are termed as pandemic by the WHO.
Its advisable to call up your insurance policy provider and clear off the issues.
Now, drop your worries and concentrate on hygiene and proper sanitation.